The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) has approved the MAX Academy: Delivering Trauma-Informed Customer Care on March 27, 2024 as training that counts as continuing education hours (CEUs) for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs). Special thanks to Goodwill of North Georgia for serving as the sponsor with the CRCC for this workshop.
Training for this MAX Academy will be delivered through the Professional Excellence Program in the School of Social Work at Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies.
This training with Georgia State University not only provides 3.0 clock hours of continuing education for rehabilitation counselors, the CEUs can also be used to fulfill core hours or general continuing education requirements for license renewal for social workers and non-core related hours for marriage and family therapists and professional counselors.
Click here to register.
The last few years have been especially overwhelming for participants in our workforce development programs who had already felt vulnerable and insecure. Through our next MAX Academy, we will explore the use of a trauma-informed perspective to support customers who have a history of, or are in the midst of, traumatic experiences. The training will provide key knowledge and skills related to understanding the impact of trauma and how to work more effectively with customers using a trauma-informed perspective.
Attendees will learn how to adjust their practices and approaches to better meet the needs of their customers and leave the training with strategies that they can immediately put into practice.
This workshop is our third MAX Academy on trauma-informed care held in recent years in partnership with the Professional Excellence Program in the School of Social Work at Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies.
The MAX Academy will take place on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, at the Atlanta Technical College’s Cleveland L. Dennard Conference Center. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
- Define the different types of trauma
- Describe the significance of cultural trauma
- Connect adverse childhood experiences to trauma history
- Describe the foundational skills of empathy, genuineness and respect and how these skills support the delivery of trauma-informed customer service, and
- Apply focused listening, questioning, and non-verbal communication skills to support delivery of trauma-informed customer service.

Both IAWP and NAWDP recognize training programs held through the MAX Academy as relevant training hours for their certification programs. Hours spent attending MAX Academy workshops can count as training hours for earning a Certified Workforce Professional (CWP) credential from IAWP and also as professional development (continuing education) hours for CWP recertification. For NAWDP’s Certified Workforce Development Professional (CWDP), NAWDP will accept MAX Academy training hours toward the professional development hours required for CWDP recertification.
This training with Georgia State University provides 3.0 clock hours of continuing education for the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC). These CEUs can also be used to fulfill core hours or general continuing education requirements for license renewal for social workers and non-core related hours for marriage and family therapists and professional counselors.
Join us for a day of learning and networking! The registration fee for this training is $25.00 for MAX members and $45.00 for non-members.
Because we recognize the value of having multiple team members from the same organization participate so concepts and practices may be discussed and reinforced, discounts are available when multiple staff from the same agency register for the workshop as follows:
MAX Members: $25.00 for the first registration and $15.00 for each additional registration from the same organization.
Non-Members: $45.00 for the first registration and $35.00 for each additional registration from the same organization.
Click here to register.
Launched in 2014, the mission of MAX is to advance economic competitiveness in the Atlanta region by strengthening connections, collaborations, and practices among workforce developers and organizations engaged in workforce development.
The MAX Academy offers professional development and capacity building training workshops to help workforce development professionals develop new skills, learn best practices, and engage in peer-to-peer learning.