The Metro Atlanta eXchange for Workforce Solutions (MAX) serves as a convener and connector for the Atlanta region’s workforce development community, and this is perhaps our most valuable service. No one else in the Atlanta region is being so intentional about pulling together all the players across the broad workforce system together in one place and on a regular basis. MAX connects with over 2,000 stakeholders representing service providers, educational entities, intermediaries, employers, and funders. MAX is a catalyst for empowering and aligning workforce development efforts to meet the needs that employers have for a ready workforce.
MAX was launched in December of 2014 by a team of regional leaders who recognized that increased collaboration across the Atlanta region’s workforce development arena empowers all stakeholders to positively influence each other’s efforts and realize greater collective impacts through stronger cohesiveness.
MAX Milestones
Since the launch of MAX, there have been several notable achievements for this team of workforce partners, including the unveiling of the region’s first portal of workforce development providers and services, the launch of MAX Academy, the convening of the MAX Leadership Network, hosting or co-hosting several regional events, and ongoing efforts to share information are all examples – each of which has led to increased connections and enhanced relationships among workforce development stakeholders.
A WorkSource Partner
MAX is pleased to serve as a supportive partner to WorkSource Georgia, the state’s federally-funded employment and training system, working to connect talent with opportunity.