On the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month, Roswell United Methodist Church (RUMC) provides a full program of job networking activities beginning at 12:30 PM with a slate of afternoon workshops. RUMC has added a new workshop to its slate entitled Executives in Transition, from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. For executives or those desiring to be executives (director level or above), this interactive workshop focuses on finding executive recruiters, leveraging LinkedIn to get found, alternative methods of contact and more. The workshop is led by Amazon bestselling author, Al Smith.
The afternoon workshops are followed by dinner at 5:30 PM and evening workshops and activities starting at 7:00 PM. On Monday, March 26th, Stacy Howell of Every Woman Works will serve as the dinner speaker and Jane Gentry, founder of Epoch, Inc., will cap the evening off with a keynote talk on the art of asking questions.
For more information on Monday’s program and future programs, visit www.rumcjobnetworking.com for complete workshop details, times, and directions. Information on the website will tell you how you can sign up to join the RUMC Yahoo Groups to be notified daily about new job openings.