From WorkforceGPS:
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, creating two out of every three new jobs in America. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) allows local workforce systems to support youth and adults gain the entrepreneurial skills necessary to engage in work as an entrepreneur. This month we highlight resources that amplify entrepreneurship as a service strategy.
WIOA qualifying activities supporting entrepreneurship include skills and education training; career awareness and counseling; and services providing labor market and employment information about in-demand industry sectors.
WorkforceGPS is full of reports, successful practices, tools and webinars that highlight the various Work-Based Learning (WBL) strategies. We have gathered many of these resources in one location, taken from a number of communities including Apprenticeship, Innovation and Opportunity Network, LMI Central, Self-Employment Assistance Center, and others. Additional resources are constantly being added as this approach to learning becomes more and more recognized as a win-win for the individual and the employer.
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