In follow up to declarations of national and state emergencies by the President and Governor, respectively, several organizations have made significant changes to their operations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while still serving their constituencies. The measures aim to enable the organizations to practice social distancing and prevent large gatherings – as recommended by the CDC, World Health Organization, and state and federal authorities. These measures include having staff work remotely, creating or expanding virtual delivery channels for programs and events, developing online learning opportunities, and so on.
K-12 schools across the state of Georgia began practicing online and distance learning during the week of March 16th. Click here to learn more from the Georgia Department of Education.
The Georgia Department of Human Services is offering self-service and online service options for those served through its Division of Family and Children Services, Division of Child Support Services, and Division of Aging Services. Click here to learn more.
The Georgia Department of Labor continues to offer online services for job seekers and employers through its website. Click here to learn more.
Technical College System of Georgia colleges are moving their academic instruction to an online format. Following are links to the COVID-19 advisories for colleges based in metro Atlanta.
- Atlanta Technical College
- Chattahoochee Technical College
- Georgia Piedmont Technical College
- Gwinnett Technical College
- Southern Crescent Technical College
Click here for system-wide updates.
Member institutions of the University System of Georgia are also moving their academic instruction online. Following are links to the COVID-19 advisories for institutions based in metro Atlanta.
- Atlanta Metropolitan State College
- Clayton State College
- Georgia Gwinnett College
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Georgia State University
- Kennesaw State University
- University of Georgia
Click here for system-wide updates.
Several other organizations providing job training and related services in metro Atlanta are shifting their operations to a virtual service delivery format. Following are examples of organizations that have announced a change in operations with direct links to their COVID-19 response information:
- Atlanta Regional Commission
- Bobby Dodd Institute
- Generation
- Goodwill of North Georgia
- Jewish Family & Career Services
- Latin American Association
- The Urban League of Greater Atlanta
To help inform the efforts of workforce partners in the Atlanta region, organizations implementing virtual training opportunities, hiring events, programs or services are encouraged to share with the MAX network by sending information to
This post was first posted on March 23, 2020 and updated on March 27, 2020.