From WorkSource Atlanta:
WorkSource Atlanta seeks a service provider to coordinate and provide daily oversight within the Comprehensive One-Stop Career Center located at 818 Pollard Boulevard, SW Atlanta GA 30315. This project will require staff with facility management experience, excellent customer service skills, and coordination of system wide partner services.
WIOA requires that each Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) identify at least one comprehensive One-Stop Center within their service area. The comprehensive One-Stop Center for the Atlanta Workforce Development Area is located at 818 Pollard Boulevard SE, Atlanta GA.
A comprehensive One-Stop Center is a physical location where job seeker and employer customers can access the programs, services, and activities of all required One-Stop partners. A comprehensive One-Stop Center must have at least one Title I staff person physically present. The comprehensive One-Stop Center must provide:
- Career services;
- Access to training services;
- Access to employment and training activities carried out under sec. 134(d) of WIOA;
- Access to programs and activities carried out by required One-Stop partners; and
- Workforce and labor market information.
Customers must have access to these programs, services, and activities during regular business days at a comprehensive One-Stop Center. The Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) may establish other service hours to accommodate the schedules of individuals who work on regular business days.
Click here for the full RFP.
Click here to access the City of Atlanta’s Solicitation Portal and search on WIOA to find active solicitation 1220279.1.