As we prepare to begin anew in 2023, we look back at the year we shared together in 2022 with gratitude, sincere gratitude for our MAX members. MAX members, we thank you for joining MAX and making our dream of serving as your professional membership association a reality.
On Thursday, December 8th, MAX will hold our second Annual Meeting of the membership. This will be our first in-person convening of the membership as our first Annual Meeting was held virtually last year.
Special thanks to Google for hosting our meeting at their new office space in midtown Atlanta! (Click here to learn more about this new space.)
At our Annual Meeting, we will hear a special greeting from The Honorable Mayor Andre Dickens, the City of Atlanta’s 61st Mayor, and receive a keynote address from Keith Parker, President & CEO of Goodwill of North Georgia
During this time, we will also recognize our very first recipient of the Wendell Dallas Excellence in Leadership Award, in honor of our founding board chair, Wendell Dallas. This award recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond in providing leadership in workforce development through the Metro Atlanta eXchange for Workforce Solutions (MAX) and/or MAX partners. An individual recognized through this award is known for leading with integrity, devotion, and selflessness in service to others in the workforce development sector.
In addition, we will receive updates from MAX Chair John Helton and the leadership team of MAX.
This will be a great opportunity for MAX members to come together and discuss workforce issues and opportunities of greatest importance for us all as we move on from pandemic times. This event will bring our members together for a time of fun, enlightenment, and fellowship.
MAX members are cordially invited to join us for this special occasion…on December 8th, from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM, as we celebrate the fruitful year we have had and prepare for even more fruitful days to come.
This event is free for MAX members but registration is required in advance. Breakfast will be served.
MAX Members: You should have received an email with a link to register. If you have not received the email, please email and registration details will be sent to you.
What are you waiting for? Join MAX today and enjoy MAX member benefits for the remainder of 2022 and all of 2023. Click here to learn more about joining metro Atlanta’s premiere professional membership association for workforce developers.