The MAX Community Impact Assessment (CIA) is an important initiative that will help bring visibility to the important work your organization is doing for our region and inform our collective workforce development efforts. The assessment, conducted annually serves as a valuable tool for tracking our collective outcomes year-to-year, and provides benchmarks to inform our individual efforts as well. In short, this initiative helps us better understand how workforce providers are making a difference in the lives of job seekers.
This assessment was developed by the MAX Data Council in partnership with the MAX Provider Council.
While the assessment will take you approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, it will:
- Enable you to share data on your organization’s enrollment and outcomes.
- Allow you to receive a summary report that helps your organization understand how your outcomes compare to the collective whole.
- Lead to your organization being listed as a key partner in this important initiative.
Over time, the collective results will help funders, policy makers, and other important stakeholders gain a better understanding of not only how workforce providers are making a difference in the lives of job seekers but also moving the needle in meeting the needs of employers. And it should help provide insight into how the Atlanta region is achieving our equity goals with input from a variety of worker serving organizations.
If your organization serves job seekers, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to share your outcomes with key stakeholders! The 2023 assessment remains open for a limited time. So there is still time to share your organization’s impacts. Click here to share today!
While the invitation to participate in the 2023 assessment is being shared broadly through the MAX network, we are seeking one response per organization and we ask that you coordinate your organization’s response accordingly.
Through this assessment, we are asking for information in the following areas:
- Organizational Information: Name, service area, budgets, number of staff
- Client Demographics: number of people served, gender, race, and education levels of clients
- Enrollment and Outcomes: number of people served and completed programming, job placement rates, earnings data pre and post programming.
Data should be provided for Calendar Year 2022.
Should you have any questions, please contact the MAX Data Council lead for the MAX Community Impact Assessment, Nye Hodge with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, at Special thanks to the Atlanta Fed for their partnership in administering this assessment!
Click here to participate in the 2023 MAX Community Impact Assessment.