Since 2011, General Assembly has helped 110,000+ alumni worldwide launch tech careers through tech bootcamps and has helped hundreds of companies build diverse, scalable tech talent pipelines. General Assembly works to help learners at all levels navigate the “K to Career” strategy.
General Assembly’s Rafael Castaneda, Vice President of Workforce Development and Social Impact, and Sarah Hinstorff, Program Manager, Government & Workforce Partnerships will join MAX to discuss how they work with partners across all intervention points of the learner journey. By connecting learners to essential training, work-based learning models, industry preferred credentials, and career-building employment opportunities, General Assembly is all about building partnerships for collective impact.
Join MAX on Friday, November 22nd, 9:00 AM, for a timely and virtual conversation.
Click here to register.
Launched in 2014, the mission of MAX is to advance economic resilience in the Atlanta region by strengthening connections, collaborations, and practices among workforce developers and organizations engaged in workforce development.
Through our webinar series, MAX Minutes, MAX seeks to bring timely insights to providers, intermediaries, and other partners in workforce. MAX Minutes features talks by key experts in the Atlanta region and beyond on important workforce matters.