MAX Anchor Investors work to continually help shape MAX’s organizational direction, and we are honored to serve beside them. Anchor investors can join MAX through an annual contribution at three levels: Champion ($25,000), Catalyst ($10,000), or Advocate ($5,000).
Champion Anchors
The Technical College System of Georgia’s Office Workforce Development is the administrator of WorkSource Georgia, the state’s federally-funded employment and training system, working to connect talent with opportunity. These federal funds are part of a grant program made possible through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) delivers a wide range of human services designed to promote self-sufficiency, safety and well-being for all Georgians.
WorkSource Metro Atlanta serves as the workforce system for the 10-county metro region. It represents the collective efforts of five local Workforce Development Boards within the 10-county metro region.
Catalyst Anchors
CareerRise advances economic mobility and regional prosperity by creating and strengthening partnerships that meet employer needs for skilled talent and connect metro Atlanta residents to sustainable wage careers.
Goodwill of North Georgia has a simple mission: we put people to work. At career centers throughout North Georgia, Goodwill offers job-search resources, helps with writing a professional résumé and cover letter, provides access to employment opportunities, delivers hands-on skill training, and so much more.
The Metro Atlanta Chamber (MAC) is a 160-year-old organization that today represents businesses, colleges and universities, and nonprofits across the 29-county region that makes up the nation’s ninth largest market. MAC works to position metro Atlanta as a top-tier global region by focusing on three key areas: economic development, public policy and promotion.
Advocate Anchors
Bobby Dodd Institute (BDI) empowers people with differing abilities to maximize their potential by securing economic self-sufficiency, independence and inclusion within their communities. BDI offers a continuum of support for all ages, stages and levels of need for people with disabilities and their families.
First Step Staffing is the largest nonprofit light-industrial staffing agency in the United States with offices in GA, PA, TN and Southern CA. Founded in 2007 in Atlanta, First Step currently employs over 5,000 individuals, and is on a mission to provide a path out of homelessness through work experience. First Step is a financially independent and self-sufficient social enterprise.
Georgia Express Link Partners (GEP) is led jointly by Cintra, Macquarie Capital and John Laing as Lead Project Developers and Equity Members. We are international leaders in developing and delivering successful private-public partnership (P3) projects with expertise on critical issues such as traffic management, stakeholder engagement, environmental compliance and right-of-way acquisition.
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