From LISC: An investment of $2.5 million from Verizon is making it possible for LISC to begin offering critical relief and resiliency-building support to small businesses and nonprofits facing immediate financial threat because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding will … [Read more...] about MAX RFP BOARD: LISC and Verizon Team Up to Create Small Business Recovery Fund for Small Business, Nonprofits
MAX Minutes With Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Experts Focuses on COVID-19, Workers, and Policy
As coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) spreads around the world and across the United States, many policymakers and public health officials are encouraging employers to tell workers to work remotely or to stay home when they or their family members are sick. There are significant … [Read more...] about MAX Minutes With Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Experts Focuses on COVID-19, Workers, and Policy
MAX JOB BOARD: Partners for Home Seeks COVID-19 Homeless Isolation Unit Case Worker
Under the direction of the Partners for HOME COVID-19 Emergency Response Manager and through collaboration with other Continuum of Care (CoC) providers, the case worker will work to ensure that the transitional needs of individuals experiencing homelessness that are recovering … [Read more...] about MAX JOB BOARD: Partners for HOME Seeks COVID-19 Homeless Isolation Unit Case Worker
MAX ALERT: Metro Atlanta Providers Adjust Operations to Maintain Service Delivery In the Midst of COVID-19
In follow up to declarations of national and state emergencies by the President and Governor, respectively, several organizations have made significant changes to their operations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while still serving their constituencies. The measures aim to … [Read more...] about MAX ALERT: Metro Atlanta Providers Adjust Operations to Maintain Service Delivery In the Midst of COVID-19
MAX ALERT: National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Seeks Applicants for Career Pathways Award
From the National Career Pathways Network (NCPN): The Career Pathways Partnership Excellence Award emphasizes the importance of career guidance and advising, professional development for educators and employers, and the employer role in providing work-based learning … [Read more...] about MAX ALERT: National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Seeks Applicants for Career Pathways Award