Working Concepts Inc.
Working Concepts Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that provides community-based, mental health counseling and job readiness training to disadvantaged youth, people with disabilities, and dislocated workers. Our mission is to provide behavioral health services and job training for people with disabilities, dislocated workers, and at-risk youth and their families.
Our behavioral health services are aimed at promoting well-being by preventing or intervening in mental illness such as depression or anxiety but also has as an aim of preventing or intervening in substance abuse or other addictions. Our job readiness training aims at identifying job openings, understanding the application and interview process, worker rights and responsibilities, problem-solving, motivation and on-the-job behavior.
Adult Population
- Dislocated Workers
- Individuals seeking to secure a better job
- Individuals with disabilities
- Individuals without a high school diploma or GED
- Low-income individuals
- Mature workers (over 55 years old)
- Military veterans
- Public housing residents
- Unemployed individuals
- Welfare recipients required to enter the workforce
Youth Population
- Basic skills deficient
- Below grade level
- Disabled, including learning disabilities
- Juvenile offender
- Pregnant or parenting
- School dropout
Languages Supported
- English
- DeKalb County
- Fulton County
- Cobb County
- City of Atlanta
- Clayton County
- Douglas County
- Fayette County
- Henry County
- Rockdale County
Job Search & Placement
- Financial planning education
- Mentoring
- Employment readiness counseling
- Resume development
- Job search coaching
- Sponsoring job clubs or peer-to-peer networks
- Referrals to training or training broker
- Job search tools and information
- Career and vocational evaluation
Post-employment Services
- Career counseling
- Mentoring
Supportive Services
- Case management
Soft Skills Training
- Adaptability
- Collaborating with others
- Conflict management
- Dealing with diversity
- How to dress
- Interpersonal skills
- Leadership
- Managing stress
- Personal hygiene
- Planning / organizational skills
- Communication (verbal and written)
- Customer service
- Professional conduct
- Self confidence
- Time management
- Diet and nutrition
- Interview skills