Title | Description | Topic | Type |
Data Resources for Workforce Developers | Compiled through MAX, Data Resources for Workforce Developers highlights several data tools from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, government agencies at the federal and state levels, the Atlanta Regional Commission, and more. From labor market information and employment indicators to measures of housing affordability and individual wellbeing, helpful data is just a click away. | K-12k-12Labor Marketlabor-market-dataWorkforce Housingworkforce-housingWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy Toolkit | The Atlanta Regional Commission's Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy Toolkit provides detailed information and data about the region’s housing market and offers a set of actionable steps that local communities can consider taking to address their housing issues. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Housingworkforce-housing | Data Tooldata-toolToolkittoolkit |
MAX Mondays: Workforce Development Insights | Each week, MAX Mondays links to timely insights on workforce development matters from national experts. Workforce Development Insights provides a way to quickly come up to speed on hot topics and the latest trends while connecting to articles to learn more. | Future of Workfuture-of-workLabor Marketlabor-market-dataWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Websitewebsite |
The State of AI at Work | As pointed out by Udacity, part of Accenture, the adoption of AI is accelerating, but generational divides and gaps in training are creating new challenges and opportunities in the workplace. The 2025 State of AI at Work Report reveals essential insights into how professionals perceive, use, and feel about AI in their jobs. The report provides a data-driven look at AI in the workplace. | Artificial Intelligenceartificial-intelligenceFuture of Workfuture-of-workWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategyWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Healthcare & Life Science World of Work Outlook 2024 | ManpowerGroup Global Insights recently took a closer look at the top seven global business trends for this sector in the Healthcare and Life Sciences 2024 World of Work Outlook report. The group leveraged their latest research surveying thousands of employers and workers across 42 countries, as well as independent studies, to understand the implications of these seven trends for the future of work. They also identified many opportunities for employer differentiation amid persistent talent scarcity. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysFuture of Workfuture-of-workIndustry Sector Trendsindustry-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Aligning Workforce and Economic Development to Benefit Workers | A June 2024 report made possible through WorkRise examines what we know about the impacts of the workforce development and economic development fields and their implications for equitable economic outcomes for low-wage workers, especially Black individuals and other people of color who have faced systematic challenges in economic mobility. Despite their overlapping and complementary goals, these two fields have developed in relative isolation from one another. It is increasingly clear that this isolation makes both fields less effective than they might otherwise be. Each field also incorporates a vast range of policy and program types, from those that have been in operation for decades to ones that are only starting to be implemented. | ApprenticeshipsapprenticeshipsEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
The Labor Market, Then and Now: The First Two Decades of the 21st Century, Part One | The U.S. labor market has experienced significant changes since the turn of the century. This article from the Atlanta Fed is the first of a three-part series that examines big labor market trends. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Benefits Cliff Coaching with the Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF Tools: Implementation Evaluation of the National Pilot | For some workers, career advancement and higher pay can trigger a loss of means-tested public assistance. Workers may struggle to plan for that loss due to the complexity of public assistance rules and a lack of projections about their income and expenses. The Atlanta Fed designed the Career Ladder Identifier and Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) tools to help workers make more informed financial decisions about job training and employment in the context of public assistance loss and paying for basic expenses such as housing, childcare, and health care. This discussion paper presents the findings from a two-year study of CLIFF implementation by 23 organizations in 13 states. Through the analysis of interview and focus group transcripts, we find three overarching themes related to implementation: 1) identifying the appropriate population of users for CLIFF; 2) integrating CLIFF into existing organization operations; and 3) integrating CLIFF into coaching sessions. These themes along with the associated subthemes suggest ways that organizations can more effectively incorporate public assistance calculators into existing financial and career coaching contexts. | Benefits Cliffbenefits-cliffCareer Guidancecareer-guidancePublic Policypublic-policyWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
Worker Voices Special Brief: Self-Employment: Dreams Versus Reality | Worker Voices Special Brief: Self-Employment: Dreams Versus Reality takes a deep dive into a major theme that emerged during focus groups conducted in 2022—how workers look to and engage in self-employment and independent work. It discusses the variety of reasons self-employed workers are pushed or pulled into self-employment and compares those motivations to understand the disconnect between aspirations and actual experiences. Led by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and Philadelphia, the Federal Reserve’s Worker Voices Project looks beyond the numbers to understand the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on how workers without a four-year degree perceive and navigate employment. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysCOVID-19covid-19EntrepreneurshipentrepreneurshipJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Metro Atlanta Speaks | The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) conducts the Metro Atlanta Speaks public opinion survey to take the pulse of metro Atlanta residents and help guide the region’s planning and decision-making. The survey, which began in 2013, is the largest of its kind in the Atlanta region. It offers a snapshot of residents’ views on a range of critical issues such as transportation, the economy, housing, and neighborhood quality of life. In 2023, Metro Atlanta Speaks covers a 11-county region and is statistically significant to the county level, as well as for the City of Atlanta. | Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicatorsEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityEconomic Trendseconomic-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataQuality of Lifequality-of-lifeWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Metro Atlanta Speaks 2023 Presentation | The 2023 Metro Atlanta Speaks survey, conducted by Kennesaw State University’s A.L. Burruss Institute of Public Service and Research on behalf of the Atlanta Regional Commission, was a hybrid phone and online instrument. It asked 21 questions of 4,852 people across 11 counties about key quality-of-life issues in August 2023. | Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicatorsEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityEconomic Trendseconomic-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataQuality of Lifequality-of-lifeWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Presentationpresentation |
Metro Atlanta Speaks 2023 Report | In August 2023, the A.L. Burruss Institute of Public Service and Research at Kennesaw State University conducted the “Metro Atlanta Speaks” survey on behalf of the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC). A total of 4,852 adult residents across eleven counties. | Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicatorsEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityEconomic Trendseconomic-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataQuality of Lifequality-of-lifeWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Fair-Chance Hiring for Georgia Manufacturers | The Georgia Association of Manufacturers (GAM) partnered with Honest Jobs to produce a strategic guide to assist manufacturers with successfully implementing fair-chance hiring practices. The guide was released in April 2024. | Returning Citizensreturning-citizensSkills Gapskills-gapSkills-based Practicesskills-based-practicesSystems Changesystems-changeWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Toolkittoolkit |
Skills-Based Hiring: The Long Road from Pronouncements to Practice | A February 2024 report from the Harvard Business School and Burning Glass Institute reviewed whether employers are changing how they hire despite dropping degree requirements. In other words, the authors assessed to what degree employers are engaging in skills-based hiring practices based on recent data. | Skills Gapskills-gapSkills-based Practicesskills-based-practicesSystems Changesystems-changeWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Navigating Public Job Training | This report from The Project on Workforce at Harvard University describes and analyzes the more than 75,000 “Eligible Training Provider” programs in the United States. The report reviews training provider and program data from the Department of Labor (DOL) with individual performance records and occupational datasets to study the types of providers receiving WIOA funding and the kinds of jobs for which they are training. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsWIOAwioaWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategyWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Georgia Association of Manufacturers Workforce Needs Assessment | The Georgia Association of Manufacturer's 2023 Workforce Needs Assessment reviews why focusing on how combatting workforce challenges for manufacturers is mission critical. With more manufacturing jobs available than there are Georgians, stagnant growth in labor force participation, and declining birth rates, the problem isn’t having enough jobs; it’s having enough people. | Industry Sector Trendsindustry-dataSkilled Tradesskilled-tradesTalent Pipelinetalent-pipelineWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategyWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Georgia Chamber Foundation’s War for Talent Report | The Georgia Chamber’s Quarterly Economic Report provides business and community leaders with key statistics and trends to advance economic prosperity in the Peach State. This 2023 4Q report focused on the “War for Talent” as it remains the top issue for Georgia business leaders. The report reviews data highlighting every stage of the workforce pipeline to identify opportunities to effectively address our shortages. | ApprenticeshipsapprenticeshipsEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityEconomic Trendseconomic-dataIndustry Sector Trendsindustry-dataJob Qualityjob-qualityK-12k-12Labor Marketlabor-market-dataTalent Pipelinetalent-pipelineWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Harvard Workforce Almanac | The Workforce Almanac maps nearly 17,000 providers of workforce training - defined as short-term (lasting less than two years), post-high school training opportunities in which learners gain work-relevant skills to help them find a job - from across the country. | Talent Pipelinetalent-pipelineWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnerships | Data Tooldata-tool |
2023 Talent Supply Report | The 2023 Talent Supply Report from the Metro Atlanta Chamber examines the degrees conferred by Georgia’s education institutions and compares them to the open jobs putting those degrees to use. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsSkills Gapskills-gapTalent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Reportreports-studies |
Rework America Alliance Resources | The Rework America Alliance partners have developed several career navigation resources, skills-based talent management resources that support the end-to-end process of connecting workers to good jobs. | Employer Resourcesemployer-resourcesSkills-based Practicesskills-based-practices | Online Portalportal |
Skills-Based Hiring Toolkits | The Rework America Alliance has developed a series of toolkits that include a template for a skills-based job posting, interview questions, and onboarding plans. Toolkits have been developed for the following positions: Construction Manager, Sales Representative, Logistician, Food Service Manager, Financial Manager, Licensed Practical Nurse, HR Specialist/Generalist, Cybersecurity Analyst, Computer User Support Specialist, CNC Machine Operator, and Manager. | Employer Resourcesemployer-resourcesSkills-based Practicesskills-based-practices | Toolkittoolkit |
Next Level Now Collaborative Hub | The Next Level Now (NLN) Collaborative is the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration's hub for delivering strategic, short- and long-term technical assistance (TA) to the public workforce system and partners, assisting them at the state and local level as they improve services, quality, and outcomes for jobseekers and employers. | Best Practicesbest-practicesEmployer Engagementemployer-engagementWIOAwioaWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnershipsWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Online Portalportal |
Jobs Calculator | The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Jobs Calculator calculates the average monthly employment change needed to achieve a target unemployment rate after a specified number of months, and the assumed labor force growth. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataUnemploymentunemploymentWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Worker Voices | Provided through the Federal Reserve System's community development teams, Worker Voices provides a unique view into how job seekers and workers in lower-wage roles navigated the labor market at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and through recovery—and how it changed what they expect from a job. Worker Voices features workers’ first-hand experiences. | Benefits Cliffbenefits-cliffDigital Dividedigital-divideEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Online PortalportalReportreports-studies |
Career Ladder Identifier and Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) Dashboard | The CLIFF Dashboard developed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta details the long-term financial implications of a new career. Career advancement can sometimes put a family above the income eligibility threshold for public assistance programs. The CLIFF Dashboard is an interactive tool that helps identify the estimated level of after-tax income that will position a worker to cover basic expenses. | Benefits Cliffbenefits-cliffEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobility | Data Tooldata-tool |
Georgia Center For Nursing Excellence Interactive Nursing Workforce Dashboard | The Interactive Nursing Workforce Dashboard provides supply, demand, demographic, and labor statistics to develop appropriate recruitment and retention strategies for the nursing workforce. | Demographicsdata-demographicLabor Marketlabor-market-dataSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Closing the Digital Skill Divide | National Skills Coalition (NSC) in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta released Closing the Digital Skill Divide, a real-time snapshot of demand for digital skills in the US labor market., in February 2023. | Digital Dividedigital-divideLabor Marketlabor-market-dataWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Creating an Equitable, Resilient Workforce System: New Ideas for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act | In this May 2023 discussion brief, the National Skills Coalition lays out a set of ideas to turn the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) from an underfunded system to one that is adequately resourced to deliver high-quality skills training that supports the assets and aspirations of working people, helps small businesses who hire locally and invest in their workers, and advances racial equity and pathways to quality jobs. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilitySystems Changesystems-changeWIOAwioa | Reportreports-studies |
Engaging Atlanta’s Youth and Young Adults in Economic Opportunity | The Atlanta Youth Leadership Council, comprised of young leaders from Southwest Atlanta and powered by The Annie E. Casey Foundation, engaged the Creative Research Solutions in a research project to better understand the educational and career aspirations of youth and the barriers that stand in their way. This 2022 report details the findings of the project. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityOpportunity Youthopportunity-youthTalent Pipelinetalent-pipelineWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersYouth Developmentyouth-development | Reportreports-studies |
Skillbase | Skillbase is a library of online career skills resources for job seekers and learners that is run by a team of Harvard students, graduates, and faculty with experience in education, technology, business, and job training. Skillbase is an initiative of the Project on Workforce at Harvard, a collaborative project between the Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, the Managing the Future of Work Project at Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Graduate School of Education. | Career Guidancecareer-guidanceCareer Pathwaysdata-career-pathways | Online Portalportal |
Realizing the Workforce Potential of Infrastructure Investments | This February 2023 report from the Markle Foundation, Eno Center for Transportation, and National Association of State Energy Officials clarifies strategies for states to realize the workforce and job quality potential of infrastructure investments in critical sectors, particularly those poised for significant additional investments. The report delves into the opportunity before states, including specific funding streams on which to capitalize, and outlines a framework for priority actions that states can take to foster broad opportunity to benefit from good quality jobs connected to state spending in two of the most significant infrastructure sectors. | Job Qualityjob-qualityPublic Policypublic-policySkilled Tradesskilled-tradesWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
WorkSource Metro Atlanta Regional Plan 2020-2024 | This document is the 2020 – 2024 Regional Plan for WorkSource Metro Atlanta that comprises ten counties and five Local Workforce Development Areas: City of Atlanta, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Atlanta Regional (Cherokee, Clayton, Douglas, Fayette, Gwinnett, Henry, and Rockdale counties). This plan strives for WorkSource Metro Atlanta and its partners to work collaboratively in the Atlanta region for the betterment of the community and customers they serve with regards to workforce development | WIOAwioaWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnershipsWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategyWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Planplan |
Work in Progress: How the Future of Work Depends On Us | In Accenture's November 2022 report, the authors discuss how the future of work is evolving in real time as organizations endure profound change on compressed timelines. Companies are experiencing supply chain stressors, security threats, inflation, mixed economic signals and changing customer expectations amid a tight talent market. | Future of Workfuture-of-workWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategyWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
America Works Data Center | The America Works Data Center from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce captures trends on job openings, labor force participation, quit rates, and more. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Georgia Workforce Planning Guide | The Georgia Workforce Planning Guide was developed in 2022 through a partnership between the Carl Vinson Institute of Government and Georgia Power. This document lays out a step-by-step process and worksheets that communities can utilize for local or regional workforce planning efforts. | Systems Changesystems-changeWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Toolkittoolkit |
State Digital Equity Scorecard | Emerging technologies and the changing global economy demand that people have at least basic digital skills in order to be employed, fully participate in society, and access essential resources. Many state governments have risen to the challenge to help skill up their residents to meet this demand, but more needs to be done. This Scorecard from Microsoft, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), and the National Skills Coalition shows the extent to which states are addressing digital equity. | Digital Dividedigital-dividePublic Policypublic-policySkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Data Tooldata-tool |
National Economic Resilience Data Explorer (NERDE) | In partnership with the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA), Argonne developed the National Economic Resilience Data Explorer (NERDE) to help a variety of users across the country with local economic recovery and resilience analysis. The NERDE consolidates information and data on economic distress criteria, COVID-19 impacts to local economies, and the existence and emergence of industry clusters. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicatorsEconomic Trendseconomic-data | Data Tooldata-tool |
Metro Atlanta Racial Equity Atlas | The Metro Atlanta Racial Equity Atlas (MAREA) is designed to offer an immersive, story-centric experience that contextualizes personal narratives with engaging, interactive community data and historical background. This tool has been developed by the Partnership for Southern Equity, Neighborhood Nexus, and archi. | Demographicsdata-demographicEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityLabor Marketlabor-market-dataWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
2022 Kids Count Data Book | The 33rd edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT® Data Book describes how children in America are in the midst of a mental health crisis, struggling with anxiety and depression at unprecedented levels. | COVID-19covid-19K-12k-12Opportunity Youthopportunity-youthYouth Developmentyouth-development | Reportreports-studies | | is the one-stop source provided through the U.S. Department of Labor to connect career seekers, employers, and education partners with apprenticeship resources. Discover apprenticeships across industries, how programs are started by employers, and how to become an apprentice. | ApprenticeshipsapprenticeshipsCareer Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysSkilled Tradesskilled-tradesTalent Pipelinetalent-pipelineYouth Developmentyouth-development | Online PortalportalToolkittoolkit |
MIT Living Wage Calculator | Families and individuals working in low-wage jobs make insufficient income to meet minimum standards given the local cost of living. MIT developed a living wage calculator to estimate the cost of living in your community or region based on typical expenses. The tool helps individuals, communities, and employers determine a local wage rate that allows residents to meet minimum standards of living. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Partnerships between Community Development Financial Institutions and Workforce Development Organizations | Inability to secure capital to improve worker skills or expand training programs can prevent growth in a local economy. This July 2022 paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta presents the role CDFIs can play to fill a need for financing in the workforce development sector. While the transactions presented in this paper are unique, they highlight the importance of partnerships between the two industries. Shared missions and an overlapping client base between CDFIs and workforce development practitioners creates a natural pairing for collaboration. | Best Practicesbest-practicesWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnerships | Reportreports-studies |
Communication Resource Guide for Inclusive Economic Development | This June 2022 publication developed as a collaboration of the New Growth Innovation Network (NGIN) and Partnership for Southern Equity, with support from the Surdna Foundation, provides practitioners with a glossary of terms and resources to aid in fostering inclusive economic development and shared prosperity through growth and practice. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Toolkittoolkit |
Human Capital at Work: The Value of Experience | A June 2022 report by McKinsey & Company reveals that role moves help individuals continuously upgrade their skills, raise their income, and build track records that translate into value. However, individuals can’t make bold moves that represent a real leap unless an employer sees their potential and takes a chance on hiring them. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
Creating an Equitable Economic Recovery Centering Workers’ Needs | A 2022 survey commissioned by Goodwill reveals that the majority of adults (54 percent) are not in an ideal job with opportunities to grow, and most say skills training would help. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityJob Qualityjob-qualitySkills-based Practicesskills-based-practicesWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
WIOA Desk Reference on Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiatives | As businesses put in place initiatives to hire and retain individuals in recovery, state and local workforce agencies have a vital role to play in supporting these efforts. This desk aid released from the U.S. Department of Labor in June 2022 is a resource focused on the role of the workforce system and in particular programs that operate under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in supporting Recovery Friendly Workplaces. | WIOAwioaWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Toolkittoolkit |
Workforce Equity Dashboard | The National Fund for Workforce Solutions' Workforce Equity Dashboard provides disaggregated data that uncovers racial gaps in workforce outcomes, identifies opportunities to advance racial equity across systems, and informs high-impact strategies to build a future where employers, workers, and communities prosper. This dashboard was developed in partnership with the National Equity Atlas. | OutcomesoutcomesWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Quality Careers & Workplaces Toolkit | This 2022 toolkit from CareerRise provides definitions for quality careers and workplaces; reviews why job quality matters, job quality elements, and impacts of job quality; discusses work to foster diversity, racial equity, and inclusion, and more. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Toolkittoolkit |
Setting Higher Wage Benchmarks for Home Health Care Workers | In this June 2022 report by the Economic Policy Institute, the authors discuss how an undervalued home health care workforce—overwhelmingly composed of women, workers of color, and immigrants—is paid extremely low wages to perform vital work for the nation’s older adults and people with disabilities. | Economic Trendseconomic-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
From Always Connected to Omni Connected | At a time when talent markets are in flux and businesses are still navigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, new research released in May 2022 from Accenture reveals that only one-in-six people feels highly connected, in a human sense, at work — with people who work on-site feeling the least connected. | Future of Workfuture-of-workJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
The Childcare Conundrum: How Can Companies Ease Working Parents’ Return to the Office | In this May 2022 report by McKinsey & Company, the authors discuss how the status quo work culture no longer works for most families and review how companies' support for childcare can turn worker attrition into attraction. | COVID-19covid-19Future of Workfuture-of-workJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Measuring Child Well-Being in Evaluations of Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programs | This white paper released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in April 2022 provides an overview of the ways that Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood programs have measured child well-being and offers recommendations for evaluators who are interested in including child well-being measures in their studies. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriersYouth Developmentyouth-development | Reportreports-studies |
2022 Workforce Report | This 2022 annual workforce survey report from iCIMS reviews the latest on hiring practices; internal mobility; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and the talent experience. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataTalent Pipelinetalent-pipelineWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Lessons and Takeaways from Supporting Small Businesses to Improve Job Quality | For organizations interested in partnering with employers, this April 2022 guide from The Aspen Institute contains tips and promising practices to bolster your engagement and help inform your partnerships in the service of improving job quality. | Employer Engagementemployer-engagementJob Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnerships | Reportreports-studies |
Employer Roadmap: Childcare Solutions for Working Parents | Working parents have long struggled to access the affordable, quality childcare that enables them to participate in the workforce, but COVID-19 has made things even worse. The resulting impact on our workforce and organizations of every size and sector is more acute than ever and, for employers, it’s affecting their bottom line. This March 2022 roadmap from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is intended to help senior leaders and business owners learn their options for supporting working parents with their childcare needs. It is also intended to help leaders understand what to expect when embarking on this journey and how to take action. | Employer Resourcesemployer-resourcesWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
Women in the Workforce: Building Gender Equity in a Post-Pandemic World | Two years after the pandemic took hold, 1.1 million women are still out of the workforce and companies are asking themselves, "How can we bring women back and ensure they’re on equal footing with men?" This February 2022 e-book from Monster helps answer that question. | COVID-19covid-19Demographicsdata-demographicEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityFuture of Workfuture-of-workWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Bookpublication |
Hiring Toolkit: Cybersecurity Analyst | With support from Boeing & Workday, the Rework America Alliance created a cybersecurity analyst hiring toolkit that can help employers use skills-based practices to expand their talent pool. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysSkills-based Practicesskills-based-practices | Toolkittoolkit |
Family-Engaged Case Planning for Youth on Probation | To improve the odds of young people succeeding on juvenile probation and beyond, the Annie E. Casey Foundation has released a practice guide that helps juvenile justice agencies institute family-engaged case planning. | Opportunity Youthopportunity-youthWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Bookpublication |
Building From the Bottom Up | In Building From the Bottom Up, a 2022 article published by the Harvard Business School, authors discuss how a significant number of American workers are employed in low-wage jobs and how, despite undertaking some of the most tedious, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs, they are most likely to be overlooked by employers and society. As a result, millions of Americans in low-wage jobs— many, disproportionately, women and people of color— work hard but remain caught in a poverty trap, even as thousands of U.S. businesses, big and small, struggle to fill positions. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityFuture of Workfuture-of-workWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Barred from Employment | A 2022 article published through Science Advances discusses findings from a study into the pool of unemployed men in the United States have been arrested, convicted, or incarcerated by age 35. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997, the authors estimate 64% of unemployed men have been arrested, and 46% have been convicted. | Returning Citizensreturning-citizensWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Workplace Ecosystems of the Future | This 2021 report from Cushman & Wakefield examines what the future of the office will look like in a post-COVID-19 world by exploring investor, occupier, and placemaker feedback and by analyzing historical work-from-home rates. | COVID-19covid-19Future of Workfuture-of-workWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
Navigating a Crisis: An Uneven Recovery for Communities and Organizations in the Southeast | In the summer of 2021, while some indicators suggested a robust economic recovery was under way, low- and moderate-income (LMI) households, communities that have experienced chronic disinvestment, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) continued to struggle across several dimensions. This 2021 report by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta examples the challenges and successes of the community development organizations that provide these populations with housing, financial services, workforce training, and other important assistance. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Future of Work Report 2022 | The annual Future of Work Global Survey conducted by Monster revealed that despite pandemic stops and starts, there are hints of optimism and hope for increased hiring and a new and improved work environment… that is, if employers and job seekers can get on the same page. | Future of Workfuture-of-workLabor Marketlabor-market-dataSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
Dual Enrollment: Common Issues Across SREB States | A December 2021 report from the Southern Regional Education Board examines dual enrollment programs across the South and explores how states and school systems can address common challenges in offering college courses to high school students. | K-12k-12PostsecondarypostsecondaryTalent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Reportreports-studies |
Gallup Workplace Insights | Workplace Insights features Gallup's analytics and advice on workplace issues. | Workforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Websitewebsite |
Assessing the State of Digital Skills in the U.S. Economy | This 2021 report from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) reveals that domestic and international assessments of digital skills show the United States is lagging its competitors. | Digital Dividedigital-divideSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Profile of a Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Graduate in Georgia | The Georgia Department of Education provides the profile of a Georgia Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) graduate through this online flipbook to help employers better understand how graduates are equipped to: be workplace ready, demonstrate academic and technical skills, communicate effectively, solve problems, collaborate purposefully, and act responsibly. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysK-12k-12Talent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Presentationpresentation |
Georgia Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Annual Report | The 2019-2020 Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Annual Report is produced through the Georgia Department of Education. This website contains statistics and information on the accomplishments and approaches to delivering CTAE in Georgia. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysK-12k-12Talent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Reportreports-studiesWebsitewebsite |
Georgia’s Career Pipeline | Georgia’s Career Pipeline is provided through the Georgia Department of Education to assist Georgia businesses locate local young talent with the skills needed for the field or industry. Businesses can use this information to make decisions concerning growth, development, and workforce needs. | Employer Resourcesemployer-resourcesK-12k-12Labor Marketlabor-market-dataTalent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Online Portalportal |
A Current Snapshot of Those Unemployed During the COVID 19 Pandemic | This report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce summarize the results of a poll taken in 2021 regarding the behaviors, expectations, attitudes, and motivation (or lack thereof) of workers who lost jobs or were furloughed during the pandemic and have not returned to work. | COVID-19covid-19Workforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Adult Education & Literacy Resource Collection | The U.S. Department of Education provides access to high-quality multimedia instructional resources, informed by research, for use by adult educators. | Adult Educationadult-education | Online PortalportalWebsitewebsite |
Tracking Federal Economic Recovery Funds to Communities | Public understanding of the federal funding coming to local governments can facilitate greater community engagement with budget decisions, and continued awareness of how funds are being spent can support accountability and alignment with community priorities. Advocates and community-based organizations can use this December 2021 guide from the Urban Institute to track federal funding allocations to their city, county, or region. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Trendseconomic-data | Reportreports-studies |
Digital Skills Discussion Guide | The Digital Skills Discussion Guide from the Aspen Institute has been developed to help workforce providers learn how employer partners are integrating technology and upskilling workers. By beginning this learning process, this December 2021 guide can facilitate supporting workers adapting to new ways of interacting with their work environments during this digital transformation. | Digital Dividedigital-divideSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
MAX Annual Survey 2021 | Through the 2021 annual survey of workforce partners conducted by MAX, workforce developers identified their top challenges in 2021, key opportunities when looking ahead into 2022, and needs we can together work to address through MAX. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Presentationpresentation |
ManpowerGroup Talent Shortage Survey | The all-new ManpowerGroup Talent Shortage Survey not only reveals the hardest-to-find skills in the country, but also explores the most in demand soft skills employers look for, as well as the steps companies can take in order to make the next normal better for all. Talent Shortage – undertaken in January 2021 – is a survey of 42,000 global employers. | Skills Gapskills-gapTalent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Reportreports-studies |
The Evolving Mission of Workforce Development in the Community College | This 2019 paper published through the Community College Research Center describes how community colleges came to be a major resource for the nation’s workforce development requirements and discusses the ways this role continues to evolve to meet the needs of students, employers, and local communities. | PostsecondarypostsecondaryWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnershipsWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
When Unemployment Insurance Benefits Are Rolled Back | As the labor market recovers from the COVID recession, policymakers and economists have debated whether generous UI benefits are holding workers back from returning to work. This July 2021 brief by the JPMorgan Chase Institute aims to answer two important policy questions central to this debate. First, to what extent have the UI supplements discouraged jobless workers from returning to work? Second, how well targeted and timely are PUA benefits in insuring against income losses? | COVID-19covid-19Labor Marketlabor-market-dataUnemploymentunemploymentWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
The Eight Trends That Will Define 2021 and Beyond | Crises tend to give rise to remarkable innovations and insights. Today is just such a moment, raising challenges to many long-held beliefs about how companies should operate. In this episode of the Inside the Strategy Room podcast, McKinsey’s global leader Kevin Sneader talks with senior partner Celia Huber about the eight trends that will shape the post-COVID-19 economy. | Economic Trendseconomic-dataIndustry Sector Trendsindustry-data | Reportreports-studies |
Employer Toolkit | To make it easier for employers to adopt inclusive sourcing and hiring practices, the Rework America Alliance is developing a series of implementation tools and resources. This is the first version of these tools. We will continue to refine them and release enhanced versions over the coming months. We encourage companies to get started NOW in putting these new approaches to work – even if that means starting with a narrower set of roles that you expect to hire for over the next year. Making changes now will enable you to apply lessons learned to a broader set of hiring needs increase. | Skills Gapskills-gap | Websitewebsite |
Job Progression Tool | The Job Progression Tool, developed by McKinsey & Company on behalf of the Rework America Alliance, is a digital solution for job coaches and career navigators for supporting job seekers in the United States without a four-year college degree. It is meant to enable job seekers to consider employment options that could advance their economic prospects and that others have accessed in the past, based on the value of their work experience. | Career Guidancecareer-guidanceCareer Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysOccupational Trendsoccupational-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Rework America Alliance Tools | The Rework America Alliance is creating resources that will form an integrated set of capabilities to include job market insights on roles that are most relevant to workers who have been displaced; guidance on affordable, effective training options that connect workers with good jobs; better training and support for career coaches so they can more effectively support workers in their job search; and resources that will drive employers to increase the hiring, training and advancement of people who have previously been overlooked or excluded. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityEmployer Resourcesemployer-resourcesSkills Gapskills-gapSystems Changesystems-changeWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnerships | Data Tooldata-toolWebsitewebsite |
Workforce Realigned: How New Partnerships Are Advancing Economic Mobility | In this 2021 book by Social Finance, Inc., the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the authors call for us to rethink the way we finance worker upskilling to meet the future of work. The book highlights a new breed of partnerships emerging among government officials, education and training providers, corporate leaders, and investors—partnerships that are built to achieve outcomes. These models link funding to results, helping actors to think and invest longer term, apportion risks and align incentives more thoughtfully, and unleash the power of adaptation and entrepreneurship to build a more inclusive, more equitable, and stronger workforce system. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilitySkills Gapskills-gapSystems Changesystems-changeWorkforce Partnershipsworkforce-partnershipsWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Bookpublication |
The Demographic Drought | This 2021 report by Emsi discusses how the approaching sansdemic will transform the labor market for the rest of our lives. This research highlights one of the most important issues in our lives: living in a world where there are simply not enough workers to manage and grow our companies. “Hire more people” has long been an axiomatic first step to growth. How will we adapt when we can’t take the “more people” part for granted? | Demographicsdata-demographicLabor Marketlabor-market-dataTalent Pipelinetalent-pipelineWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Georgia Power’s Target Industries Tool | Georgia Power’s Target Industries Tool allows you to explore Georgia’s 12 target industries at a custom geography. The tool provides up-to-date jobs data by industry and occupation from EMSI as well as company locations and information from Georgia Power’s industry database. The tool gives you the ability to search by county, metro area, Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) region, drive time, or radius. | Industry Sector Trendsindustry-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Colorado Talent Pipeline Report | The 2020 Talent Pipeline Report developed by the Colorado Workforce Development Council and partners identifies leading industries and occupations, Top Jobs, key features of the current labor force, COVID-19 impact and response, and strategies to align supply with industry demand for the State of Colorado. | COVID-19covid-19Industry Sector Trendsindustry-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsTalent Pipelinetalent-pipelineWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View | The ADP Research Institute’s People at Work 2021: A Global Workforce View provides a starting point to understand the situation facing employees today across five dimensions of working life: worker confidence and job security; workplace conditions; pay and performance; worker mobility; and gender and family. | Job Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trendsWorkplace Conditionsworkplace-conditions | Reportreports-studies |
Global Gender Gap Report 2021 | The COVID-19 pandemic has raised new barriers to building inclusive and prosperous economies and societies. Pre-existing gender gaps have amplified the crisis asymmetrically between men and women, even as women have been at the frontlines of managing the crisis as essential workers. The hardest hit sectors by lockdowns and rapid digitalization are those where women are more frequently employed. This 2021 report by the World Economic Forum is intended to serve as a call to action to leaders to embed gender parity as a central goal of our policies and practices to manage the post-pandemic recovery, to the benefit of our economies and our societies. | COVID-19covid-19Digital Dividedigital-divideEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityOutcomesoutcomesWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Mind the Gap: Factors Driving the Growing Racial Wage Gaps and Solutions to Close Them | In this 2021 report, The Conference Board reviews the wage gaps between White and Black workers in the U.S. and the powerful barriers to reducing these disparities. | Demographicsdata-demographicEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Skills for an Inclusive Economic Recovery | In this 2020 paper, the National Skills Coalition (NSC) issues a call for action, equity, and accountability in building back the post-COVID workforce. The NSC proposes an eight-part policy agenda backed by data on what voters want. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityPublic Policypublic-policySkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
YouScience Talent Pipeline Report | Metro Atlanta’s economy is booming with nearly 60,000 new jobs created and more than 550,000 employment opportunities posted in 2018. The region’s employers continue to focus on their growing demand for talent with employment expanding by 2.8 percent last year. The Metro Atlanta Chamber (MAC) is actively working to grow, attract and retain top talent with programs like Your Talent Your Future, Choose ATL, Choose ATL After 5, and by participating in Learn4Life. Adding MAC's 2019 Talent Pipeline Report to the available resources and increasing connections between business and education, will help ensure Metro Atlanta is primed for long-term growth and prosperity. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysK-12k-12Talent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Reportreports-studies |
TCSG Data and Research | The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) oversees the state’s technical colleges, adult literacy programs, and a host of economic and workforce development programs. TCSG's Data and Research provides access to the System Scorecard, enrollment data, and more. | OutcomesoutcomesPostsecondarypostsecondaryTalent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | Data Tooldata-tool |
Unlocking Experience-based Job Progressions for Millions of Workers | The Rework America Alliance looked at job histories of 29 million people, of whom more than four million did not have a four-year college degree, to understand what is possible. They found that not all experienced-based job progressions open the door to attractive occupations in terms of stability and income. This 2021 report details their findings. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityOutcomesoutcomes | Reportreports-studies |
StatsAmerica | StatsAmerica is your one-stop destination for economic development data and tools, supported by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). | Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicators | Data Tooldata-tool |
Data Nexus | Data Nexus is a tool developed by Neighborhood Nexus to find, visualize, analyze, and export community data. Hundreds of easy-to-find demographic, education, health, and economic indicators from state and national sources, all in one place. Explore census tracts, zip codes, cities, counties, and more geographies across the state. | Demographicsdata-demographicEconomic Indicatorseconomic-indicators | Data Tooldata-tool |
COVID-19 Economic Data | The University of Georgia, Carl Vinson Institute of Government (CVIOG) has created a web page to access COVID-19 Economic Data through its portal. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicators | Data Tooldata-tool |
COVID-19 Community Vulnerability Index | In the United States today, people living in vulnerable communities are significantly more likely to have died from COVID-19 as low vulnerability communities are burdened because people do not have equitable access to health care, affordable housing, transportation, childcare, or safe and secure employment. Surgo Ventures created the COVID-19 Community Vulnerability Index to leverage the power of data to understand how and why communities are vulnerable, so we can develop solutions to help them. Below we map the vulnerability of US counties. | COVID-19covid-19 | Data Tooldata-tool |
Prosperity Now Scorecard | The Prosperity Now Scorecard is a comprehensive resource for data on household financial health, racial economic inequality and policy recommendations to help put everyone in our country on a path to prosperity. | Demographicsdata-demographic | Data Tooldata-tool |
State Action on Coronavirus (COVID-19) | The National Conference of State Legislatures brings you up-to-date, real-time information about bills related to and responding to COVID-19 that have been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. You can search legislation starting in 2020 by state, topic, keyword, year, status or primary sponsor using the state legislation database below. You can further analyze this legislation using NCSL’s Power BI state legislation data visualization. | COVID-19covid-19Public Policypublic-policy | Data Tooldata-tool |
Unemployment Claims Monitor | The Unemployment Claims Monitor, through the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity (CWEO), displays data from the weekly and monthly unemployment claims reports from the U.S. Department of Labor. It is updated every Thursday. Users will find weekly and monthly data on claims and on who have filed for unemployment insurance, including special unemployment programs like Short-Time Compensation (or Workshare), Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees, Ex-Service Members, and Extended Benefits programs. | Labor Marketlabor-market-data | Data Tooldata-tool |
Job Postings Dashboard | Track job posting trends by month and compare to 2019 averages through the Emsi Job Postings Dashboard. You can also filter by region, industry, company, job, and skill. | Economic Trendseconomic-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Health Risk Index | To better understand where and why COVID-19 has spread within the United States, Emsi has developed a Health Risk Index. This index accounts for the key factors that have given the virus a stronger foothold in some regions, while others have been largely spared. | COVID-19covid-19 | Data Tooldata-tool |
The COVID-19 Economic Vulnerability Index | Chmura's COVID-19 Vulnerability Index describes communities most economically at-risk based solely on how a region’s mix of industries is impacted by shutdowns. This information can inform policy decisions about where state and federal aid should be directed to provide maximum support for the broader economy and to protect our most economically vulnerable citizens. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Trendseconomic-data | Data Tooldata-tool |
Job Mobility & Smart Growth Toolkit | Using data from hundreds of thousands of real job transitions, Brookings' Job Mobility and Smart Growth Toolkit shows how workers can advance through labor markets—featuring national and city-by-city data on wage levels, local labor demand, and job mobility rankings for 441 occupations, from retail salespeople to cooks to computer programmers. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityLabor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
COVID-19 Metro Recovery Watch | Brookings' COVID-19 Metro Recovery Watch is aimed at informing local and state recovery strategies from COVID-19’s historic economic impacts in ways that link near-term resilience to longer-term economic transformation, racial equity, and economic inclusion. | COVID-19covid-19 | Data Tooldata-tool |
Atlanta Metro Eviction Tracking Update | Housing instability has been linked with a variety of negative outcomes including but not limited to overall poorer health, diminished educational performance, and employment insecurity. Anticipating that the COVID-related economic slowdown would have on a marked impact on households’ ability to pay rent, the Atlanta Regional Commission, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and Georgia Tech began working together early on in the pandemic to build a system to track eviction filings and share that information with the public and those best equipped to intervene with legal and financial assistance. In September 2020, the collaborative released the Atlanta Region Eviction Tracker. The tracker is updated weekly, though Fulton County’s census tract level counts have been unavailable since September 2020 due to an omission of certain case details provided via the Fulton Magistrate Court public search site. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Data Tooldata-tool |
Effective Summer Learning Programs for Elementary Students | Districts and states are targeting summer break — the most substantial chunk of out-of-school time in the typical year — as a prime opportunity to help students make progress with learning left unfinished due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Federal COVID relief funds will allow schools the freedom to offer programs as they never have before. But not all summer learning programs are created equal, and the pressing issue of unfinished learning makes it all the more important for providers to spend funds in a way that will benefit students the most. This research snapshot from Southern Regional Education Board summarizes some of the most recent and relevant research on what makes summer learning programs effective. | K-12k-12 | Reportreports-studies |
Innovations in Collective Action in the Labor Movement | The American labor movement is facing a paradox. Private-sector unionization is at its lowest level in nearly a century. Yet, esteem for the labor movement is the highest it has been since the 1960s, and most Americans want to be in a union. To better understand this situation, this paper released through the MIT Task Force on the Work of the Future reviews how workers are achieving collective action and building the labor movement outside the traditional business union. | Workforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
What’s Next for Consumers, Workers, and Companies in Post-COVID-19 Recovery | COVID-19 changed how we live and work in ways that will alter our behavior long after the pandemic subsides. Companies moved rapidly to deploy digital and automation technologies, dramatically accelerating trends that were unfolding at a much slower pace before the crisis. Work went remote, shopping, entertainment, and even medicine went online, and businesses everywhere scrambled to deploy digital systems to accommodate the shifts. Read more in this report from McKinsey & Co. | COVID-19covid-19Digital Dividedigital-divideEconomic Indicatorseconomic-indicatorsEconomic Trendseconomic-data | Reportreports-studies |
State of the Global Workforce: 2021 Report | Gallup reviews the state of the workforce around the world. According to Gallup, roughly seven in 10 employees are struggling or suffering, rather than thriving, in their overall lives. Eighty percent are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work. This lack of engagement costs the global economy US$8.1 trillion, nearly 10% of GDP, in lost productivity each year. | Economic Trendseconomic-dataWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Talent on the Move: Where People Live & Work After COVID-19 | During the pandemic, more people moved than usual. Moves increased from approximately 1.8 million in the previous two years to 2.0 million in 2020 and gateway markets saw a larger number of people migrate. However, as people moved out of gateway markets and CBDs, businesses have not. This report by Cushman & Wakefield provides insights on what this means for our economy and workforce. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Trendseconomic-dataWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Making Information About Credentials More Actionable Through Increased Transparency and Quality Assurance | This Policy Brief from Credential Engine offers state leaders a set of actions to make information about the quality of credentials more accessible, valuable, and useful. It is co-authored alongside Education Quality Outcomes Standards Board (EQOS), Education Strategy Group (ESG), and National Skills Coalition (NSC), but the brief stems from our larger policy partnership including 8 additional organizations. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysPublic Policypublic-policy | Reportreports-studies |
To Build Back Better, Job Quality is the Key | The United States has a problem—too few quality jobs. This problem contributes to a variety of national ills, from low productivity to poor health, to fractured politics and divisions within society. Low job quality has disproportionately negative effects on women workers and workers of color, contributing significantly to earnings and wealth gaps across demographic groups. In this paper, Maureen Conway (The Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program), Jeannine LaPrad (Corporation for a Skilled Workforce), Amanda Cage (National Fund for Workforce Solutions), and Sarah Miller (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) make the case that improving job quality should be a central goal of economic recovery and rebuilding efforts, and they lay out practical policy ideas toward that end. The report includes a framework illustrating the multiple dimensions of job quality and outlines the variety of institutions and organizations that can play a role in improving job quality. Particular attention is given to the role of federal policy and to the practices of local governments, economic development, and workforce development organizations. | Job Qualityjob-qualityWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
Modernizing and Investing in Workforce Development | This paper, co-authored by Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) President & CEO Larry Good and Earl Buford, the incoming president of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, argues that the U.S. needs to build and sustain an ecosystem that supports lifelong learning and career mobility for all Americans, and makes five major recommendations for accomplishing that. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysEconomic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
Building a National Unemployment Insurance System | This paper from the Better Employment and Training Strategies (BETS) taskforce first makes the case for comprehensive reform of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program in the United States, exploring the many ways in which the program has failed in recent decades to accomplish both its macroeconomic goal of economic stabilization and its microeconomic goal of temporary income restoration for workers laid off through no fault of their own. | Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
Build Back Better: Creating Infrastructure and Emergency Community Service Jobs Programs | This paper is part of a series of papers recommending systemic improvements to modernize the United States’ outdated patchwork of workforce policies, all being issued by the Better Employment and Training Strategies (BETS) taskforce. BETS is a coalition of more than 40 leading practitioners and researchers that has come together to develop these recommendations. | COVID-19covid-19Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
Building Back Better: A National Jobs Strategy | This is the first of a series of papers recommending systemic improvements to modernize the United States’ outdated patchwork of workforce policies, all being issued by the Better Employment and Training Strategies (BETS) taskforce. BETS is a coalition of more than 40 leading practitioners and researchers that has come together to develop these recommendations. This paper recommends three goals to guide a national jobs agenda: (1) make all jobs good jobs and create more; (2) facilitate access to good jobs; and (3) eliminate racial and gender inequities in hiring, pay, and job quality. The publication also provides a suite of distinct but reinforcing strategies to achieve the aforementioned goals, and a framework for coordinating activities across government. The recommendations are endorsed by 12 leading organizations and 35 policy experts, researchers, and practitioners. | COVID-19covid-19Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
Building Back Better: A National Plan for Youth Employment | In this brief issued through the Better Employment and Training Strategies (BETS) taskforce, co-authors Kisha Bird, Brent Parton, and Taylor White recommend a series of changes in federal policy and substantial investments to build a coherent approach to supporting equitable, effective education-to-employment transitions for youth. | COVID-19covid-19Opportunity Youthopportunity-youth | Reportreports-studies |
Developing Supportive Educational and Career Pathways for Young People | A resource from the Annie E. Casey Foundation examines the steps public systems, service providers and nonprofit organizations can take to develop supportive educational and career pathways for young people. It draws on lessons from Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential (LEAP)™ — a multistate initiative that is increasing employment and educational opportunities for young people ages 14–25 who have been involved in the justice or child welfare systems, experienced homelessness or who are parents. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysOpportunity Youthopportunity-youthWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
AI for Disability Inclusion: Enabling Change with Advanced Technology | Accenture's report reveals how ethically designing, developing and using AI can unlock the incredible potential of talent with disabilities, while helping all workers thrive. The report provides foundational steps employers, academics, regulators, policymakers, investors and developers can take to leverage AI’s potential as an enabler of change for disability inclusion. | Individuals with Disabilitiesindividuals-with-disabilitiesWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Special Briefing: Despite CDC Moratorium, Atlanta Area Eviction Filings Hit Low-Income Minority Neighborhoods | The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's special briefing reviews the how eviction marks a crisis point of housing instability that ripples into nearly every facet of a person’s life and harms future chances of housing security. Struggling tenants, advocates, researchers, and policymakers were already familiar with the harms of eviction well before the COVID-19 pandemic brought widespread economic distress to renter households. With the added urgency of a global pandemic, the impacts of eviction mushroom and tighten the nexus between individual outcomes like an eviction and community-level harm. | COVID-19covid-19Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
The Future of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2021 | This February 2021 study by finds that most of today’s organizations lack mature and effective diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. The organizations that do have effective DEI programs tend to share a range of characteristics and practices. In short, they achieve their status by working at it. | Employer Resourcesemployer-resourcesFuture of Workfuture-of-work | Reportreports-studies |
A Quick-Start Toolkit for Building Registered Apprenticeship Programs | This toolkit provides helpful steps and resources to start and register an apprenticeship program, from exploring the apprenticeship model as a workforce strategy to launching a new program. Whether you’re a business or labor organization, an industry association or another kind of workforce intermediary, a community college or the public workforce system, or a community-based or service organization, the U.S. Department of Labor invites you to use this toolkit. | ApprenticeshipsapprenticeshipsSkilled Tradesskilled-trades | Reportreports-studies |
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Workforce | Although the term “trauma-informed care” is new to most workforce development practitioners, the coronavirus pandemic has spurred many to gain a better understanding of trauma. This introduction was created to help employers and workforce development organizations understand toxic stress and the effects of trauma on individuals in the workplace. The National Fund for Workforce Solutions provides a selection of organizational strategies and practices to advance trauma-informed approaches in employee management. | Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Reportreports-studies |
Atlanta CareerRise Economic Mobility Dashboard | This dashboard presents labor demand and supply data for the 10-county metro Atlanta region, also known as the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) region. For this region, the tool summarizes key elements of the workforce ecosystem by profiling job and worker characteristics. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityEconomic Trendseconomic-dataIndustry Sector Trendsindustry-dataWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
WorkSource Metro Atlanta Regional Plan 2020-2023 Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for the State of Georgia | This document is the 2020 – 2023 Regional Plan for WorkSource Metro Atlanta that comprises ten counties and five Local Workforce Development Areas: City of Atlanta, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Atlanta Regional (Cherokee, Clayton, Douglas, Fayette, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties). This plan strives for WorkSource Metro Atlanta and its partners to work collaboratively in the Atlanta region for the betterment of the community and customers they serve with regards to workforce development. | WIOAwioaWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | Planplan |
Navigating Covid: Winners & Losers | In August 2020, Jennifer Zeller and Marion Phillips with Georgia Power joined MAX to share insights on the industrial and occupational winners and losers as a result of COVID-19. | COVID-19covid-19Industry Sector Trendsindustry-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trends | Presentationpresentation |
Working Parents, Childcare, and COVID-19 | Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation demonstrated that childcare was essential to our economy. In the fall of 2019, the U.S. Chamber Foundation studied the economic impact on states and employers when the childcare system breaks down through a series of reports. This report details the findings from a parent survey. | COVID-19covid-19Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Employers, Childcare, & Returning to Work in COVID-19 | In June and July of 2020, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation surveyed employers from across the country of every size and industry to understand the impact that childcare has on businesses’ ability to return to work. This report details the findings of their survey. | COVID-19covid-19Workforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
United Way of Greater Atlanta 2-1-1 Contact Center | In July 2020, Donna Burnham and Marioly Botero with the United Way of Greater Atlanta joined MAX to review 2-1-1 and how this tool is being utilized to ensure individuals are getting the help they need. The discussion helps workforce developers learn how to best use 2-1-1 for connecting job seekers and others to vital life supports in this time of COVID-19. | COVID-19covid-19 | Presentationpresentation |
Breaking Ground | Jobs for the Future released a report in May 2020 that reviewed the critical shortage of skilled trades workers, now and for years into the future, facing our country. The report offers a comprehensive national view of high school-level trades education. | ApprenticeshipsapprenticeshipsSkilled Tradesskilled-trades | Reportreports-studies |
State of Small Business Report | As part of an ongoing data collection effort with World Bank and the OECD on the Future of Business, Facebook conducted a survey, in partnership with the Small Business Roundtable, of approximately 86,000 people who owned, managed, or worked for a small and medium-sized business, including people who were self-employed. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on these businesses. This report, released by Facebook in May 2020, shares the results of the survey. | COVID-19covid-19Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicatorsIndustry Sector Trendsindustry-dataWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Amplifying Impact | National Skills Coalition's Amplifying Impact report, released in June 2020, discusses how policies that combine investment in English language skills with digital learning pay off for workers and businesses. | Digital Dividedigital-dividePublic Policypublic-policy | Reportreports-studies |
Skills to Succeed Academy Overview | This is a presentation delivered by Thomas Flake with Accenture during a live demo of Accenture's Skills to Succeed Academy with MAX in May 2020. | Career Guidancecareer-guidanceJob Searchjob-search | Presentationpresentation |
Perspectives from Main Street: The Impact of COVID-19 on Communities and the Entities Serving Them | “Perspectives from Main Street: The Impact of COVID-19 on Communities and the Entities Serving Them,” summarizes this nationwide survey by the Federal Reserve System of nonprofit organizations, financial institutions, government agencies and other community organizations. The survey was conducted in April 2020 with nearly 3,900 respondents serving rural, suburban and urban communities. | COVID-19covid-19 | Reportreports-studies |
Economic Inclusion: The Global Imperative of the 21st Century | During our April 2020 virtual convening of our MAX Leadership Network, we heard from Nathaniel Smith from the Partnership for Southern Equity about how racial inequities impact the workforce and considered questions for how we can collectively work to address them. Smith provided a highly insightful presentation filled with evidence-based data from several expert sources that make a repeated case for being more inclusive in our economic development efforts in order to improve the economic mobility of populations vulnerable to poverty and substandard living. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobility | Presentationpresentation |
COVID-19 and Supporting Workers | As coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) spreads around the world and across the United States, many policymakers and public health officials are encouraging employers to tell workers to work remotely or to stay home when they or their family members are sick. There are significant questions, though, about how many people can work from home. Many U.S. workers in retail, restaurants, manufacturing, and other occupations cannot do so. On March 27th, Stuart Andreason and Sarah Miller with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity joined MAX to explore who can work from home and identify practices and policies to support workers who cannot work from home in the event of a pandemic like COVID-19. They also highlighted policy options for providing short-time compensation as a response to workers who have to self-quarantine. | COVID-19covid-19 | Presentationpresentation |
Applying a Racial Equity Lens to Digital Literacy | American jobs are undergoing massive technological transformation, with even entry-level workers now expected to use all manner of digital devices and equipment. This March 2020 report by the National Skills Coalition reviews how workers of color are affected by digital skills gaps. | Digital Dividedigital-divideSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
ADVANCING OPPORTUNITY: Parents’ Solutions to Georgia Child Care Challenges | This report by the GEEARS (Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students) and the Metro Atlanta Chamber describes the nature of the child care challenges reported by families and what solutions parents might propose. In follow up to a 2018 survey of Georgia parents of children under 5, the report features insights from focus groups conducted in 2019 of Georgia parents with children ages four or younger residing in the Columbus and Atlanta metropolitan areas. The authors conclude with recommendations for policymakers, employers, and higher education. | Public Policypublic-policy | Reportreports-studies |
Benefits Cliffs and the Financial Incentives for Career Advancement: A Case Study of a Health Care Career Pathway | Benefits cliffs, which occur when earnings gains are offset by the loss of public benefits, have long been recognized to create financial disincentives for low-income individuals to earn more income. In this paper by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Boston University, and the University of Washington, the authors develop a new methodology to study benefits cliffs in the context of career advancement. The authors illustrate the change in net financial resources for an individual pursuing the health care services career pathway from certified nursing assistant (CNA) to licensed practical nurse (LPN) to registered nurse (RN). Accounting for increases in taxes and the loss of public benefits, the authors show that a single mother with two children receiving maximum available public benefits can be financially worse off in the short and medium term when advancing from the entry-level CNA position. Over a lifetime, career advancement leads to large financial gains. The authors also calculate a large lifetime net public savings if the mother advances to the RN position. Finally, the authors illustrate two policy interventions: a childcare subsidy phaseout that is gradual rather than sudden, and an application of transitional public benefits with asset mapping of financial resources. The authors show how each of these interventions benefits a low-income parent seeking to advance up the economic ladder. | Public Policypublic-policyWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
OPPORTUNITIES LOST: How Child Care Challenges Affect Georgia’s Workforce and Economy | This report by the GEEARS (Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students) and the Metro Atlanta Chamber examines the intersection of workforce participation and child care challenges. Based on a 2018 survey of Georgia parents of children under 5, the authors conclude that child care challenges in Georgia are leading to significant disruptions to parental workforce participation—both in the short (e.g., missed days at work or school) and long (e.g., leaving the workforce) term—and to the state’s economy. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Smart Decisions Coalition: 2020 Recommendations | The Smart Decisions Coalition (Coalition) released a set of recommendations that represent a variety of policy options that can be pursued by policymakers, local community leaders, or business leaders to improve Georgia’s talent pipeline. The Coalition is a coordinated effort by Georgia’s community, business, and education leaders initiated by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Foundation. The Coalition began meeting in December 2018, considering all potential solutions to the challenges of affordability and access as well as how to ensure students are immediately employable upon completion of a degree and able to adapt as technology and industries evolve. The recommendations released provide an overview of existing programs, and inventory of organizational engagement, and future opportunities. | Public Policypublic-policy | Reportreports-studies |
Inclusive Future of Work: Research Insights | This is a presentation delivered by Molly Birnbaum with Accenture on the fourth industrial revolution and occupations that have the potential for automation and technology augmentation to the MAX Leadership Network in December 2019. | Future of Workfuture-of-workWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Presentationpresentation |
Metro Atlanta Speaks 2019: Economy and Workforce | This is a presentation delivered by Jim Skinner with the Atlanta Regional Commission to the MAX Leadership Network in December 2019 with some data on insightful workforce-related perceptions from ARC's 7th Annual Metro Atlanta Speaks survey. | Workforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Presentationpresentation |
Report on Dual Enrollment to Promote High School and College Success | This report from the Georgia Budget & Policy Institute (GBPI) analyzes increased Dual Enrollment participation and identifies the program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. GBPI offers recommendations for Georgia lawmakers based on these factors. Any discussion of changes to the funding amount or structure for Dual Enrollment must consider the consequences for Georgia’s students. | Public Policypublic-policy | Reportreports-studies | | WorkSource Metro Atlanta has launched, a website designed to provide a streamlined and seamless way for job-seekers and employers to navigate the resources available through the region’s WorkSource agencies. Job-seekers can learn about WorkSource resources including job-readiness workshops, career training opportunities, and job application assistance. Visitors can also find contact information for their local Career Resource Center. By filling out a simple form, users are able to begin an in-depth evaluation process led by a personal career counselor that is assigned to them. Employers visiting the site can learn about services designed to help businesses hire, train, and upgrade their workforces, such as identifying and screening potential new hires, training existing workers for new demands, and providing 50% or more in salary reimbursement for on-the-job training. | Employer Resourcesemployer-resourcesJob Searchjob-searchWIOAwioa | Websitewebsite |
Follow the Money: Aligning Workforce Funding in Georgia. | This is a presentation delivered by Alex Camardelle with the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (GBPI) at MAX Leadership Network meeting on October 7, 2019 that is from a webinar hosted by GBPI on July 16, 2019. | Public Policypublic-policyWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategyWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Presentationpresentation |
The Roadmap for Racial Equity: An imperative for workforce advocates | In this 2019 paper, the National Skills Coalition (NSC) explores the racial and ethnic disparities in educational attainment and access; systemic barriers to equitable workforce training and quality employment; and why advancing equity is an economic and moral imperative. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Emsi Developer | Emsi Developer provides local labor market analytics and data on workforce availability, in-demand job titles and skills, and supply chains and industry multipliers. The tool provides a visualization of regional trends and enables comparisons with other regions in the U.S. Emsi Developer enables a look at skills transferability between occupations, an analysis of options for dislocated workers, and a study of job posting analytics to see job titles and skills that local employers are seeking. It also enables the review of job postings for key employers to see the types of skills they are seeking in varied market areas. (This is a fee-based service.) | Economic Trendseconomic-dataIndustry Sector Trendsindustry-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
JobsEQ | JobsEQ is Software as a Service (SaaS) that gives you 24-hour online access to our labor market data. Designed and developed with data governance as the priority, our economists and data scientists ensure that our tools provide credible data. JobsEQ helps site selectors and economic developers identify unique workforce characteristics within their communities and provide quality data to clients by describing current industry and demographic trends, and targeted occupation and labor market information. JobsEQ can deliver data-driven empirical evidence that a region’s workforce has the skills they need, and uses charts, tables, and maps to help your audience visualize the talent pipeline. (This is a fee-based service.) | Demographicsdata-demographicIndustry Sector Trendsindustry-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Find Your Calling | Find Your Calling, provided by Emsi, helps answer the question, what do you want to do when you grow up? Find Your Calling does this through a simple but powerful combination of assessment and data. First, the assessment measures your interests, then you explore detailed data on matching occupations and colleges that offer relevant programs. | Career Guidancecareer-guidanceCareer Pathwaysdata-career-pathways | Online Portalportal |
Georgia Department of Labor – Employ Georgia | Administered through the Georgia Department of Labor, Employ Georgia serves as an online connector for employers and job seekers. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysJob Searchjob-search | Online Portalportal |
TAKING ACTION: Positioning Low-Income Workers to Succeed in a Changing Economy | Taking Action, a new report by The Hatcher Group produced with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Joyce Foundation, examines educational and employment disparities in the United States and highlights strategies aimed at helping lower-wage individuals succeed in a changing economy. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Benefits Cliffs and Career Choice: Informing Low-Income Families & Policymakers about Impediments to Career Advancement | This is a presentation delivered by Alex Ruder with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta at MAX Leadership Network meeting on August 12, 2019. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Presentationpresentation |
What Works at Scale: A Framework to Scale Up Workforce Development Programs | Workforce development policymakers have access to a growing evidence base of successful training programs backed by rigorous randomized controlled trials. This discussion paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta identifies programs that work in specific geographic and temporal contexts but may not necessarily work in new contexts or at a scale sufficient to meet regional workforce needs. | Best Practicesbest-practices | Reportreports-studies |
Multiple Jobholding: Knowing the Facts to Draw Proper Policy Conclusions | Holding several jobs at once is not becoming the new norm. If anything, multiple jobholding has been stable or even declining over the past few decades. This policy brief by the W.E. Upjohn Institute shares the latest trends. | Workforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Creating Entrepreneurship Pathways for Opportunity Youth | This report from the Aspen Institute discusses how as opportunity youth continue to struggle to connect to the economy, entrepreneurship offers a chance for them to learn the skills and mindset needed to thrive in today’s economy. | Opportunity Youthopportunity-youthWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
The Intersectionality of Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin in the STEM Workforce | This working paper by the U.S. Census Bureau discusses trends regarding how women, Black and Hispanic workers have been represented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations. | Demographicsdata-demographicSTEMstemWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Unprepared and Unaware: Upskilling the Workforce for a Decade of Uncertainty | This report from the Southern Regional Education Board examines how technology and automation are changing the job market — and what states can do to prepare adults for the new workplace. It analyzes shifts from low- to middle-skills jobs, details current education levels and offers recommendations for retooling adult education programs. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Brookings Report on Youth Employment and Economic Mobility | This presentation details a 2018 report on youth employment and economic mobility by the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program as shared through the Metro Atlanta Chamber's Educated Workforce Series. | Opportunity Youthopportunity-youthWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Race, Unemployment, and Mental Health in the USA: What Can We Infer About the Psychological Cost of the Great Recession Across Racial Groups? | Social scientists from a range of disciplines have provided evidence of a connection between unemployment and mental health. However, researchers recognize that poor mental health can lead to joblessness, highlighting the challenge of generating an accurate estimate of the impact of unemployment on mental health. This report implies that policymakers should consider both the monetary and psychological costs of unemployment, as well as their racial implications, when formulating policy to address the effects of economic downturns. | Demographicsdata-demographicWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Reportreports-studies |
Bridging the Opportunity Divide for Low-Income Youth: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Year Up Program | This report by the Pathways for Advancing Careers and Education (PACE) documents the implementation and early impacts of Year Up—a national sectoral training program for urban young adults aged 18-24. Operated by an organization of the same name, Year Up provides six months of full-time training in the IT and financial service sectors followed by six-month internships at major firms. The full-time program provides extensive supports—including weekly stipends—and puts a heavy emphasis on the development of professional and technical skills. | Best Practicesbest-practicesOpportunity Youthopportunity-youthWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | Reportreports-studies |
Building a Skilled Workforce for a Stronger Southern Economy | The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity released a special report in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the National Skills Coalition on the challenges of building a skilled workforce in the South amidst the challenges of an ever-changing economy. significant demographic shifts, and the barriers to workforce entry faced by a significant portion of the region's population. | Economic Trendseconomic-dataSkills Gapskills-gap | Reportreports-studies |
Update on the Logistics Workforce in Georgia | This is a presentation delivered by Brittany Bullock with the Technical College System of Georgia, for MAX Talks in July 2018, on what's new with the logistics workforce. | Industry Sector Trendsindustry-dataWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Presentationpresentation |
The Economic Value of Investing in Colorado’s Future Workforce | If Colorado's educational attainment matched its future workforce needs, the increase in value from the improved education system would add an additional $12.5 billion over 10 years, according to a new study released by Colorado Succeeds and Common Sense Policy Roundtable that used REMI economic modeling. The report, titled "What if Colorado Schools Were No. 1 - A Business Guide for Colorado's Next Governor," showed the estimated effects if the state's high school graduates obtained the level of post-secondary education considered necessary to meet future demand. This report has interesting implications for other states, such as Georgia. | Economic Indicatorseconomic-indicators | Reportreports-studies |
Focusing on Job Quality | This is a presentation delivered by Amnol Chaddha and Anjali Sakaria, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, in April 2018, on issues affecting the quality of jobs for low wage workers in the U.S. | Job Qualityjob-quality | Presentationpresentation |
Improving the Quality of Jobs for Low Wage Workers | This is a presentation delivered by Anjali Sakaria, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, for the MAX Leadership Network, in April 2018, on issues affecting the quality of jobs for low wage workers in the U.S. | Job Qualityjob-quality | Presentationpresentation |
Juma in Atlanta | This is a presentation delivered by Robert Lewis, Director of Juma's Atlanta office, for the MAX Leadership Network, in February 2018, on the social enterprise's work to connect opportunity youth with job opportunities in the region. Juma began in 1993. | Opportunity Youthopportunity-youthWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchivePresentationpresentation |
Generation in Atlanta | This is a presentation delivered by Roshni Chengappa, Program Coordinator for Generation in Atlanta, for the MAX Leadership Network, in February 2018, on the nonprofit's work to tackle global youth unemployment. Generation was started by McKinsey in 2015. | Opportunity Youthopportunity-youthWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchivePresentationpresentation |
Managing the Talent Pipeline | This report describes how the skills gap can be closed by engaging employers and their partners in developing a demand-driven approach—talent pipeline management—based on lessons learned from supply chain management. | Best Practicesbest-practicesSkills Gapskills-gapTalent Pipelinetalent-pipeline | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
The New Scarlet Letter | This book provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges that those with criminal backgrounds face when they try to reenter society and seek gainful employment. It provides tips for navigating the U.S. labor market with a criminal record. | Returning Citizensreturning-citizensWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Benefits of Ban the Box | Based on a case study in Durham, NC, this white paper describes how Ban the Box policies help dismantle the structural discrimination faced by people with records in the employment market. | Returning Citizensreturning-citizensWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Employment Equity: Putting Georgia on the Path to Inclusive Prosperity | This brief describes why employment equity — when everyone who wants a job can find one — is critical to Georgia’s economic future and lays out a policy road map to achieve employment equity. | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityWorkforce Barriersworkforce-barriers | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Georgia Labor Market Explorer | Through the Georgia Labor Market Explorer, the Georgia Department of Labor provides access to a complete set of data tools for workforce developers to better understand the labor market conditions in Georgia. The portal also includes resources for job seekers and employers. | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trendsWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | Data Tooldata-toolOnline Portalportal |
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta – Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity – Opportunity Occupations Monitor | The Opportunity Occupations Monitor displays opportunity employment and its prevalence across labor markets. Opportunity employment is an estimate of the number and share of jobs accessible to workers without a bachelor's degree that pay more than the national median wage | Economic Mobilityeconomic-mobilityLabor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trends | Data Tooldata-tool |
Investing in America’s Workforce: Report on Workforce Development Needs and Opportunities | This report analyzes information gathered from nearly 1,000 leaders who work at the intersection of workforce training, recruitment, and finance. The study provides a current snapshot of the workforce development sector and its key challenges. It offers strategies for improving the human capital of America’s labor force, expanding access to jobs, and innovating workforce development funding. | Workforce Trendsworkforce-trends | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Apprenticeship Guide 2017 | This guide explores apprenticeship, a talent recruitment and development strategy that integrates on-the-job learning and related technical instruction. The guide primarily examines Registered Apprenticeship (RA) programs, which traditionally have been used in construction and the skilled trades but are now being applied in high-growth sectors such as information technology, health care, and advanced manufacturing. | ApprenticeshipsapprenticeshipsSkilled Tradesskilled-trades | ArchivearchiveBookpublication |
HDCI PowerPoint Presentation | Atlanta is a dynamic global hub with world-class employers, vibrant industries and consistent economic growth – all of which require a skilled, ready workforce. The High Demand Career Initiative Metro Atlanta (HDCI-MA) helps keep Atlanta prepared and moving forward through an employer-led regional partnership that engages businesses and informs workforce development efforts. | Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchivePresentationpresentation |
HDCI Executive Summary | Atlanta is a dynamic global hub with world-class employers, vibrant industries and consistent economic growth – all of which require a skilled, ready workforce. The High Demand Career Initiative Metro Atlanta (HDCI-MA) helps keep Atlanta prepared and moving forward through an employer-led regional partnership that engages businesses and informs workforce development efforts. | Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
University System of Georgia | The University of Georgia System is composed of 26 higher education institutions including four research universities, four comprehensive universities, 9 state universities, and 9 state colleges. It also includes the Georgia Public Library System and Georgia Archives, which identifies, collects, manages, preserves and provides access to records and information about Georgia. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) | (TCSG) oversees the state’s technical colleges, adult literacy programs, and a host of economic and workforce development programs. TCSG provides a unified system of technical education, adult education, and customized business and industry training through programs that use the best available technology and offer easy access to lifelong education and training for all adult Georgians and corporate citizens. | PostsecondarypostsecondaryState Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
TAG (Technology Association of Georgia) Education Collaborative | TAG-Ed strengthens Georgia’s future workforce by providing students with relevant, hands-on STEM learning opportunities by connecting Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) resources with leading STEM education initiatives. | Association Partnerassociation | Websitewebsite |
Southeastern Employment & Training Association (SETA) | SETA provides professional opportunities for all workforce development partners. SETA promotes workforce excellence through major conferences, training and development of Best Practices, legislative impact analysis, and peer networking in the workforce development industry. | Association Partnerassociation | Websitewebsite |
National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) | NAWDP is a national association that advocates for the workforce industry and develops the professional capacity of workforce professionals seeking the highest standards of excellence in credentialing, applied learning opportunities, and cutting edge tools to excel in serving job seekers and business. NAWDP’s members are drawn from Workforce Investment Boards and America’s Job Centers, Community and Career Colleges, military bases, youth employment programs, corporations, and Faith and Community-Based organizations. | Association Partnerassociation | Websitewebsite |
National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) | NAWB represents approximately 550 Workforce Development Boards and their 12,000+ business members that coordinate and leverage workforce strategies with education and economic development stakeholders within their local communities, to ensure that state and local workforce development and job training programs meet the needs of employers. | Association Partnerassociation | Websitewebsite |
National Skills Coalition | National Skills Coalition is a broad-based coalition working toward a vision of an America that grows its economy by investing in its people so every worker and industry has the skills to compete and prosper. The coalition engages in organizing, advocacy, and communications to advance state and federal policies that support these goals. | Association Partnerassociation | Websitewebsite |
Metro Atlanta Chamber – Educated Workforce Council | A robust workforce pipeline tops the list of concerns by the business community. The Metro Atlanta Chamber’s Educated Workforce Council strives to deliver workforce solutions by aligning our workforce development efforts with education initiatives for a lasting impact. | Association Partnerassociation | Websitewebsite |
International Association of Workforce Professionals | The International Association of Workforce Professionals (IAWP) is a worldwide educational association providing its members with training and learning opportunities to help them better serve their customers. | Association Partnerassociation | Websitewebsite |
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement | As the state's P-20 education agency, the Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) strives to increase student achievement, school completion, and life opportunities for all Georgia students. | K-12k-12PostsecondarypostsecondaryState Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
Goodwill of North Georgia – Career Connector | Goodwill’s mission is simple: putting people to work. Many people face barriers that make it difficult for them to find work and earn a paycheck. Sometimes it’s lack of training or education, limited job skills, or a disability. Goodwill gives people the tools they need to find a job, which allows them to support themselves and their families. Career Connector allows you to register online and access Georgia’s job search resources from anywhere. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathwaysJob Searchjob-search | Online Portalportal |
Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency | The Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency operates five integrated and interdependent statutory programs that share a primary goal - to help people with disabilities to become fully productive members of society by achieving independence and meaningful employment. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
Georgia QuickStart | Georgia Quick Start's services are free to any qualified company, whether new to Georgia, expanding a workforce here, or adding new technology to stay competitive. When companies choose Georgia, Quick Start makes them more successful with comprehensive, customized training. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
Georgia Department of Labor | The Georgia Department of Labor provides a wide range of services to job seekers and employers. These include administration of Georgia's unemployment insurance, employment service, provision of workforce information to the public and private sectors, and oversight of child labor issues. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
Georgia Department of Human Services | The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) formed in July 2009 as part of the reorganization of the former Georgia Department of Human Resources, which had served Georgia since 1972. DHS delivers a wide range of human services designed to promote self-sufficiency, safety and well-being for all Georgians. The DHS vision is to build stronger families for a stronger Georgia. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
Georgia Department of Education | The Georgia Department of Education oversees public education throughout the state, ensuring that laws and regulations pertaining to education are followed and that state and federal money appropriated for education is properly allocated to local school systems. The department also informs parents, teachers, government officials, and the media of education-related news. | K-12k-12State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
Technical College System of Georgia – Office of Workforce Development | The Technical College System of Georgia’s Office Workforce Development is the administrator of WorkSource Georgia, the state’s federally-funded employment and training system, working to connect talent with opportunity. These federal funds are part of a grant program called theWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
WorkSource Fulton | The Fulton County Workforce Preparation and Employment System (FCWPES) assists Fulton County residents and metropolitan Atlanta area employers in developing and sustaining a world-class workforce that realizes viable incomes and benefits, thus strengthening their families and neighborhoods. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
WorkSource DeKalb | WorkSource DeKalb (WSD) focuses on demand-driven workforce solutions by providing data and resources for businesses seeking a skilled workforce. WSD also provides workforce solutions for dislocated workers, the unemployed, low-income adults and youth. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
WorkSource Cobb | WorkSource Cobb provides access to a system of employment and education services for our community. In an increasingly complex workforce and economy, people sometimes need guidance and assistance in managing their career development. WorkSource Cobb provides workforce services that assist people in helping themselves and their families. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
WorkSource Atlanta | Formally Atlanta Workforce Development Agency (AWDA), WorkSource Atlanta serves as the workforce system for the City of Atlanta. The agency will provide job seekers with resources to attain sustainable employment and collaborate with business leaders for the recruitment and development of their labor needs. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
WorkSource Atlanta Regional | WorkSource Atlanta Regional provides services to help meet the needs of today’s employers and job seekers in Cherokee, Clayton, Douglas, Fayette, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale counties. | State Resourcestate-resource | Websitewebsite |
WorkSource Georgia Portal | The WorkSource Georgia Portal is a tool provided through the Technical College System of Georgia – Office of Workforce Development. Through the portal’s Career Explorer, you can identify the skills you have and match them with a career or occupation that suits you. You can also find occupations that are similar to your current or previous occupation based on the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Also available through this link is access to the Career Informer and Job Market Explorer tools, career tips, and information about available education services. | Career Pathwaysdata-career-pathways | Online Portalportal |
Atlanta Region Overview and Targeted Industry Workforce Report 2014 | A 2014 labor market data analysis of key sectors in the metro’s economy, including software development, wireless/mobility, internet security, digital media and gaming, financial transactions processing, bioscience, health IT software development, supply chain & logistics, hospitality, healthcare, and manufacturing. | Industry Sector Trendsindustry-dataLabor Marketlabor-market-dataOccupational Trendsoccupational-trends | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
City of Atlanta Workforce Strategy Project: Final Report and Implementation Plan | This review of Atlanta’s Workforce Development Agency (AWDA) was designed to identify a set of recommendations for reforming AWDA and its efforts to meet the workforce development needs of the City and its residents. The overarching objective of this project was to create a plan to align the City’s economic development and workforce development strategies. | Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchivePlanplanReportreports-studies |
Bad Times for Good Jobs: Georgia’s Shrinking Middle Class Opportunity | A good-paying job is the cornerstone of a secure middle-class life, but this report from the Georgia Budget & Policy Institute suggests Georgia’s private sector economy is not providing enough of them. Industries in Georgia that pay a middle-class wage suffered most during the Great Recession, and have come back more slowly than low- and high-wage industries. | Job Qualityjob-quality | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – Governor/State Shall and May Provisions | This document from the National Governors Association outlines the Governor/State Shall and May Provisions stemming from the 2014 passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). | WIOAwioa | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
New Opportunities to Improve Economic and Career Success for Low-Income Youth and Adults: Key Provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) | The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) updates the nation’s core workforce training programs resulting from the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). The new law recognizes the need for a new playbook, while reauthorizing the nation’s employment, training, adult education, and vocational rehabilitation programs created under WIA. This guidance document is provided by the Center for Postsecondary and Economic Success. | WIOAwioa | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Moving the Goalposts: How Demand for a Bachelor’s Degree Is Reshaping the Workforce | An increasing number of job seekers face being shut out of middle-skill, middle-class occupations by employers’ rising demand for a bachelor’s degree. According to this 2014 report from Burning Glass, this credential inflation, or “upcredentialing,” has serious implications both for workers not seeking a college degree and for employers struggling to fill jobs. | Skills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Side-By-Side Comparison of Occupational Training and Adult Education & Family Literacy Provisions in the WIA and WIOA | In July 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), legislation reauthorizing the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), was signed into law. The new law maintains the basic structure of WIA and this document from the National Skills Coalition compares the two. | WIOAwioa | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Bridge the Gap: Rebuilding America’s Skills | The demand for workers to fill middle-skills jobs – those that require more education and training than a high school diploma but less than a four-year college degree – is consistent gap not addressed by America's workforce. That failure is inflicting a grievous cost on the competitiveness of American firms and on the standard of living of American workers as detailed in this report by Accenture, Burning Glass, and the Harvard Business School. | Economic Trendseconomic-dataSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Metro Atlanta Workforce Development Landscape: Analysis of MAX Survey Results | An in-depth analysis of the region’s workforce organizations, their services, and challenges, based on a survey conducted by the founders of MAX in preparation for launching the MAX Provider Portal 1.0. | Workforce Barriersworkforce-barriersWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchivePresentationpresentation |
Governor’s High Demand Career Initiative Report | In January 2014, Governor Nathan Deal announced the creation of the High Demand Career Initiative (HDCI). This initiative is a long-term commitment to maintaining Georgia’s status as a leader in the global marketplace, and developing new jobs and investment growth. | Industry Sector Trendsindustry-dataWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
MAX Workforce Forum: Summary of Polling & Table Discussions December 2014 | In December 2014, more than 170 people gathered for the launch of the Metro Atlanta eXchange for Workforce Solutions (MAX), which was created to strengthen connections and promote information sharing among workforce development stakeholders in the 10-county metro Atlanta region. | Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Transforming U.S. Workforce Development Policies for the 21st Century (eBook) | This ebook explores how new policies and practice can meet the changing needs of workers, businesses and their communities. This edited volume presents contributions from more than 65 leading scholars and practitioners engaged in workforce development. | Best Practicesbest-practicesWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchiveBookpublication |
Models for Labor Market Intermediaries (eBook) | This ebook explores the role of community and economic development organizations in workforce development and the importance of fostering and facilitating partnerships to address local workforce challenges. | Best Practicesbest-practicesWorkforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchiveBookpublication |
Metro Atlanta Regional Workforce Plan | Five Local Workforce Development Boards in the 10-county metro Atlanta region have prepared a regional workforce plan for the City of Atlanta and the counties of Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale. | Workforce Strategyworkforce-strategy | ArchivearchivePlanplan |
Your Talent, Your Future: A Report for Georgia Educators and Policymakers | A widening gap between the skills employers need and the skills job seekers have is a challenge in the global marketplace and, more specifically, for states and cities across the United States that want to strengthen and grow their local economy. This gap is explored in the 2016 Your Talent, Your Future report issued by the Metro Atlanta Chamber in partnership with Accenture | Labor Marketlabor-market-dataSkills Gapskills-gapWorkforce Trendsworkforce-trends | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
Uneven Opportunity: Exploring Employers’ Educational Preferences for Middle-Skills Jobs | Focusing on four opportunity occupations that have not historically required a four-year college degree, this paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia seeks to understand why employers’ preferences for college-educated candidates vary dramatically across metro areas. | Skills Gapskills-gap | ArchivearchiveReportreports-studies |
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